
What are the Characteristics of Concrete?

Concrete is one of the most commonly used materials in construction. Its durability and versatility have made it the foundation of some of the world’s greatest structures and its applications continue to impress. Concrete is a material that hardens after it has been mixed with water and applied into place through a process known as hydration. Concrete can be used to make a variety of structures, including pavements, foundations, roads and bridges, walls, and buildings, to name a few.

To source the right materials, it is always advisable to consult with a reputable ready-mix concrete manufacturing company, such as Eastern Ready-Mix.

The Benefits of Building with Concrete

The use of concrete in construction comes with several advantages over the use of other materials.

Concrete is economical in that its cost of production is very low. Concrete comprises cement, water, and a variety of aggregates that can be sourced at low cost.

Concrete can harden and set at ambient room temperatures and does not require any particular curing process.

Because concrete is created in a liquid form, it is easily able to flow into moulds and be designed into desired shapes in construction.

The energy required to produce concrete is also low in comparison to the production of other materials such as steel.

Concrete further has superb water resistance characteristics and can withstand being submersed in water without substantial deterioration. For this reason, it is suitable for submersed building structures, dams, pipelines, linings, and canals.

Concrete is also able to withstand very high temperatures, and does so better than both steel and wood. As a result of this high-temperature resistance, it can withstand the effects of fire for a sufficient amount of time before assistance arrives.

It also recycles and consumes waste in that it can use these materials as aggregates in its formation. Materials such as ash, slag, plastics, and even waste glass can be used as aggregates in concrete production. Making use of waste in this way strengthens the composition of concrete and reduces the environmental impact that the waste would otherwise have on the environment.

Concrete can also be used to reinforce steel and other materials.

Its maintenance is also low in that it does not require any repeated coatings or painting for it to maintain its structure.

Eastern Ready-Mix is the premium ready-mix concrete manufacturing company in Tshwane. Contact them today to speak to their friendly sales consultants for more information.

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Eastern Ready Mix Tshwane